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Grace Payne Grace Payne

Planetary Planning

A few months ago, I changed the way that I planned my weeks and scheduled my tasks, and it’s honestly been life-changing. So here’s what I’ve learned about planning my week using the energy of the planets, and how it’s helped me stay healthy and productive in these increasingly-worrisome times.

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Grace Payne Grace Payne

Networking For Small Business Owners

For entrepreneurs and small business owners, making valuable connections with other businesses can be absolute game-changers. Here are some great ways to make business friends and grow your network!

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Grace Payne Grace Payne

Goal Setting & Accountability for Your Business

Today I have an extra-special blog post brought to you by my podcast, Cradle to Corporate. Due to some technical difficulties with my audio, my usual podcast episode will instead be coming to you this week as a blog post. I had the pleasure of speaking with Stephanie Marquardt of Continuous Synergy, and she had some amazing insight into the goal-setting process. I learned so much from our conversation, and I know you'll learn a lot too!

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Grace Payne Grace Payne

Digital Presence: How to Market on a Budget

Especially in times like these, it can be hard setting money aside for marketing your business. That’s why I’ve dedicated my studies of marketing to specifically find free or low-budget ways for small businesses to market their business. So what did I come up with, and how can you market your business for almost no money at all?

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Grace Payne Grace Payne

Content Creation: Re-Purposing

As a small business owner using social media to market your business, you have a lot of content to create. One helpful way to provide your audience with valuable content without working yourself to the bone is re-purposing content. Here’s what you do:

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Grace Payne Grace Payne

10 Free Google Tools You Need to Start Your Business

Starting your own business can seem almost impossible sometimes. Luckily for you, I’ve discovered 10 free, accessible, Google tools that will help you start and run your business with confidence. Let’s get started!

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Grace Payne Grace Payne

Marketing in the Middle of a Pandemic

These are unprecedented times, and for business owners, it can be uncomfortable trying to market your business right now. It doesn't feel appropriate to keep going with your usual ads and marketing campaigns now, as stores are closed down and people are ordered to stay home. So how do you market your small business in the middle of a pandemic? Keep reading!

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Grace Payne Grace Payne

Surviving the COVID-19 Pandemic

With more and more states encouraging people to stay home, small businesses are suffering a lot more than their national counterparts. How do you stay afloat in all this craziness? Keep reading!

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Grace Payne Grace Payne

My Story

For the last few years, I’ve been hearing more and more about the impact that my purchases have on the world around me. Industrial sources are responsible for 50% of pollution in America, and small businesses are more likely to use recycled materials than national chains.

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